The Oakland Strengthlifting Meet has drawn to a close. We had 30 competitors vying for a chance to walk home with a stuffed dinosaur. At the end of the day, Sean Stangl and Kristy Hawkins earned the highly sought-after prizes. A full set of results are available below:
A sincere thanks to my loaders, judges, and volunteers who ensured the meet moved along so smoothly. Also, thank you to everyone who signed up and lifted on Sunday. With some luck perhaps we can all get together and do this again.
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Tomorrow is the day of the meet. I created a video going over some rules and a few other details, but who wants to watch me talking about the meet for five or six minutes? There are faster ways to communicate the information. Continue reading A Few Details→
In just a few days, thirty-two individuals will square off to determine who will walk away with a stuffed dinosaur. A video will be forthcoming, perhaps today or tomorrow going over a few things about how the meet will flow along with a reminder on some of the rules.
The general schedule will be as follows:
07:30 – Doors Open
08:00 – Weigh In Commences by Lot Number
09:15 – Rules Briefing
09:30 – Warm ups begin, Judges and Spotters Meeting
10:00 – Lifting commences
12:00 – Yep, still lifting
15:00 – Probably getting closer to done
16:00 – Probable awards ceremony
The 2014 Oakland Strengthlifting Meet is a little over a week away. There will be six awards given to lifters. The best male and female lifters calculated from the Wilks formula will walk home with the gentleman pictured above. Best lifters in the lightweight/heavyweight divisions for men and women will also receive awards.
There will be traditional weight classes for men and women as outlined in the rules and winners from each weight class will be announced. However, no physical awards will be handed out for the weight classes. Bragging rights will be their own reward.
The meet sold out a week or two ago. Thank you to everyone who registered. I am looking forward to it.
The rules for the upcoming Strengthlifting Meet taking place at CrossFit Oakland this April 13th are now available and can be downloaded by clicking on the link below. Special thanks to Mark Rippetoe for providing the original set of rules and for allowing me to use them as the basis for this meet.
You are invited to participate in a lifting meet taking place at CrossFit Oakland on Sunday, 13 April 2014 at 8:00 AM. Competitors will take up to three attempts to establish their best squat, press, and deadlift. The meet will be run like a powerlifting meet, but competitors will perform a standing press instead of the bench press. The meet will cost $55 and is not sanctioned by any powerlifting federation. Sign-ups are available online.